Friday 12 February 2010

Space Invaders and Supernature

All week I've felt like the White Rabbit... late late for a very important date. No press passes left for Jaz at the BRITs, guestlist for Vampire Weekend and GaGa both closed (the latter potentially the biggest blow of the year so far), invite to a VICE launch party in the wrong town, and extremely tardy arrival at Che Camille's fashion show last night once it was well and truly dried up. Not to mention there are still no paid jobs left anywhere in the industry no matter the amount of slaving done gratis or recent news that we are, in fact, out of the recession (excuse me for not whipping the victory bottle of Veuve out of fastfreeze and spraying it over my bran flakes). This morning I approached the stereo to hit play on Groove Armada's latest - Black Light (a glorious leap out of their comfort zone - Massive Attack take note please) - and literally to my shock sparks coursed through my blood and momentarily stopped time. Perhaps it was electricity's angry rebellion at my fashion faux pas of rubber-soled Uggs. More likely, it was divine intervention. "Jasper Fields", He said (via the British electro DJ duo), "This too shall pass". Thank you G-d! (Or Gandalf, I'm not sure). To make this already long story short, Jaz dodged death by electricity and is consequently on top of things. Keeping in the loop by the tips of his/her non-existent finger nails, Jaz is filling the calendar nicely full of music, fashion and cultural events to blabber to you tadpoles about. Attention must now be diverted to Operation Glastonbury, particularly as the latest headliners were confirmed this morning as MUSE. Move over U2. What use is "The Claw" (and Bono are you aware you pinched that from Jim Carrey's maligned Liar Liar?) when you're up against a falsetto-screeching guitar-shredding superbug from outer space...

Jaz x

P.S. Big fish kiss to Q Magazine for Twittering (or Tweeting?!) about us this morning!

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